Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day Thirty Seven

If you'll remember, back around Day Fifteen or so, I went with Judy Davis and Mary Catherine Floyd to Coro Lake Elementary and taught the 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes how to make patterns for cast aluminum tiles. In the last few days, Jeannie Tomlinson Saltmarsh and I have been ramming them up (making molds from oil sand) and casting them. Here are some of the result of our labor. Only 100  more tiles to go.
This project is designed as supplementary arts learning in public schools. I am hoping to revamp SmartShop's Foundry program and take this project to our public schools, with the designs for the patterns being inspired by and based on the scientific concepts that the students are studying. Cool huh? Best part? This is all 100% recycled Aluminum. Next best part? The tiles will be assembled into a 3 dimensional quilt and installed permanently at the school. Wow!