If you, like many others, have fallen in love
with Holly's one of kind hand forged steel
FIREHORSES, you can easily secure your
choice from the 2008 herd today!
Only 20 FIREHORSES will be made throughout 2008.
The horses will be akin in design to “Job & Edgar” with
the same approximate dimensions, degree of intricacy, &
level of craftsmanship. Each horse is named, numbered,
signed, & dated with point of origin. FIREHORSES are
sent to their owners with a certificate of authenticity.
When you make your adoption commitment of $500.00,
you are added to our list of patrons who are contacted
as soon as a horse is "born".
Patrons will be sent high resolution photographs
via e-mail of each FIREHORSE as they are completed,
including their names, dimensions, cost & Holly's
thoughts on the piece as it was born in the fire.
Horses will be offered to all current patrons, all patrons
may respond with their interest in acquiring the new
FIREHORSE. The patron with the earliest commitment date
will be awarded the horse. All other
Patrons will be contacted with the results.
Your commitment fee will be subtracted from the
final cost of the horse. Your FIREHORSE will be
shipped upon our receiving your final payment.
All 20 head of the 2008 herd will not exceed
$3500.00 retail price. Shipping & Handling charges
apply at time of ship
Patrons who adopt are offered a chance to renew
their commitment & continue the program. Lower
commitment amounts may apply for renewed commitments.
If, by December 31st, 2008, you have not found the
right FIREHORSE, you will be given the choice to continue
the program in 2009 for an additional $250.00, or be refunded
half of your $500.00 deposit.
Please call, email, or write for your application form today!
Contact Holly Fisher Artist Blacksmith
516 East North Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(269) 345 - 7285 anvilgirl@sbcglobal.net www.hollyfisher.com